Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pregnancy Survey

About the Mommy!
Name: Christina
Age: 21
Hair Color: Blonde 
Eye Color: Green
First Child: Yes

About the Daddy!
Name: Derek
Age: 23
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green, Brown and Blue!
First Child: Yes

Finding Out!!
What day did you find out?: April 6, 2014
How did you feel when you found out?: Happier than I've ever felt.  Felt like a dream.
Who was with you?: My husband
Who was the first person you told?: Derek
How did they react?: Disbelieving! 

About the Pregnancy!!!
When was your first appointment?: April 29, 2014
When is your due date?: December 15, 2014
How far along are you?: 18 Weeks 4 Days
Have you had any ultrasounds?: Yes! Every appointment my awesome doctor does an ultrasound! So 3 so far.
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes, many times. So cool!
What was the heartbeat?: Last time it was 146
Sex of the baby: BOY!

About the birth!!
Do you know what you are taking with you?: Sanity
Who is going to be with you?: Derek and excited grandparents waiting outside
Are you going to videotape it?: Yikes
Natural or Medicated?: Give me the drugs!!!
Do you think you will need a c-section?: I hope not.
Will you cry when you hold your baby for the first time?: Let's be honest.
Do you think Daddy will cry?: Ya, he's a big sap!
Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold him/her?: Welcome to the world!

Do you have a name picked out?: Blake Christopher Bird
Is your baby going to be named after someone?: The middle name is after my sweet brother

Other Random Questions!!
Have you felt the baby move?: Not yet.  I'm getting anxious! 
What was your first symptom?: Tired...ALL THE TIME
Food Cravings?: CHOCOLATE!! 
What is the baby’s room theme?: Probably going for a jungle look
What was the first thing you bought for the baby?: Cute overalls! 
Will you cloth diaper?: HA!
BFing or Formula?: Breastfeeding
What is your favorite pregnancy book?: My awesome App 
What do you look forward to doing again once you are no longer pregnant?: Ballroom!
What physical features do you hope baby will get from Daddy?: Eyebrows and eyes.
What physical features do you hope baby will get from you?: At my party people kept saying they hope my baby gets my smile so i'll go with that.  
Is he ready to be a Daddy?: He is more ready than he thinks he is :)
Are you ready to be a Mommy?: MORE THAN EVER!!!  It's all I've ever really wanted.  

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