Wednesday, July 30, 2014


So my anxious waiting for a kick is finally over! Late last night, Derek was very tired and I...wasn't! So when we went to bed, Derek fell asleep as soon as "Amen" was said. I on the other hand turned to my phone for entertainment. After a while, social media and candy crush burnt me out (doesn't take very long) and I decided to at least try to sleep. I turned over to find a comfortable position. Up until these past couple weeks I've been able to sleep on my stomach just fine but as of late I have to do a side stomach position because it's just enough discomfort to not let me sleep. Well last night, I fought the feeling because even though everything felt squished down there, I was too comfortable and paralyzed to move. Well Blake must have protested! I thought I was feeling my heartbeat through my stomach harder than usual until I realized heart beats are supposed to be consistent. Then I just got excited! I knew for a fact this time that it was Blake. There have been times in the past that I wasn't quite certain but I sat as still as I could for about an hour in bed feeling my sweet baby respond to my positions. It wasn't too strong, I can tell he is small, but like many moms describe it, it feels fluttery. It was easier to feel if I laid on my stomach because I think I must have been squishing him and pushing him closer to the outside of my belly. I was so excited it was hard to go to sleep. Now, I can feel him kick if I get into the right positions, otherwise he doesn't like to bother mommy much ;) Blake Bird is alive and well!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I always loved to feel my babies move even when they pushed against my bladder!!
