Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Doctor Visit # 10

Your daddy and I went to yet another doctors appointment and not much has changed.  I'm thinning out more but still dilated to a one, which Dr. Ott said is very normal.  He said most first time mommies thin all the way out before dilating at all.  My weight gain this week is about an ounce, your heartbeat was at one hundred and ten and as far as I can tell, you're perfect!  Update on pregnancy this last week:
-I can't keep up with anyone while walking.  Derek has to slow his pace when we go anywhere and when we are holding hands I tend to lean on him for support of my waddle.
-If you move around a lot, it tends to give me motion sickness or something because I get side aches and such.
-I'm finding that I'm very protective of my belly.  It doesn't bother me when people want to touch you but if I get a surprise hand (without warning) on my belly, my defense mode is to back up and back hand!  If your daddy blindsides me to feel you, I always jolt (and refrain) and daddy always laughs.
-Uncle/Elder Chris never fails to mention in his emails "Tell Blake I love him!"
-Your dad and I have been noticing EVERY baby everywhere we go.
-I've been loving bananas.  
-I am most satisfied when I'm sitting down...and eating!  But not too much before it hurts! Yeah, you can pretty much call me a fatty, but it's all for you!! 
WE LOVE YOU BLAKEY! Happy Bird family :)

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