Friday, November 14, 2014

Doctor Visit #8 -- Bags Are Packed!

Yesterday was a day dedicated to getting ready!  I decided it would be safe to start preparing everything for the hospital now because I'm officially on countdown for one more month until you arrive so I'm in the "scary zone" because a lot of babies decide to come from 36-40 weeks statistically speaking.  Now watch, because I'm actually prepared you are going to come late!  I can just see it...
Anyway...daddy and I installed your car seat in the car and threw your stroller in the trunk.  While dad was at work I packed my own personal hospital bag and of course your diaper bag!  They are ready and waiting in case of emergencies.  Later on in the afternoon we had my doctors appointment.  From now on, my appointments are every week and the doctor will check each time to make sure your in the "birth position." Luckily, yesterday, you were!  He felt your cute little head and said everything is going just perfect; normal weight gain, belly measuring right at 35-36 weeks and heartbeat perfect.  You're a perfect baby already! I know I say this all the time but I can't wait to meet you!!!!! Daddy and I are always talking about how we just want you in our arms NOW.  We are tired of waiting but I want you to come when you are ready and judging by how squirmy you are, I'm assuming you're just as anxious to meet your excited parents!  We love you Blakey Bear! (New established nickname.)

1 comment:

  1. I still remember how it seemed that baby would never come!!
