Thursday, December 4, 2014

Doctor Visit #11 (and stretch marks!)

I'm going to start with a throw back to when I didn't even know what stretch marks looked like!  Okay but for real, I look at pictures of myself pre-pregnancy and it almost feels like I'm looking at another human being! 

Yes, I know, that stuff shouldn't matter but let's be real.  Any pregnant women knows what I mean when you suddenly don't feel sexy any more.  It's hard giving up your body and trying to pretend you don't care. 

   I'm here to say it's okay to care!  For all you pregnant women out there or girls who are still recovering, I want to share my experience with you.  Every pregnant woman's experience is different.  Some women (lucky devils) don't develop stretch marks, some do, some have a really nasty case of morning sickness, some don't, some have really up and down emotions and eventually fall into a mode of depression, some don't.  The point I'm attempting to make here is that some do, some don't and that's okay!  In my experience, I developed stretch marks in places I didn't know were possible, I never threw up, I have felt pretty stable and happy but I do spectacular things like placing a can of beans in the freezer.  My experience (different than any other pregnant experience) has taught me that we are all unique so we are entitled to be frustrated we don't have the same body we did nine months ago and it may never be the same.  It was a frustrating thought at first, in fact, depressing!  It still is from time to time.  But I have learned that it is all apart of "The Whole Mommy Experience."  Blake, you are going to test my patience sometimes (you are your fathers son!) and I'm certain things are going to happen that make me feel like I failed you as a mother.  However, there will NEVER be a single moment (just like there hasn't been one my entire pregnancy) where I will regret every stretch mark, over dramatic tear or complete disaster of a body it required to bring you to this earth.  If there is one thing you taught me through these nine months, it's that every single stretch mark represents the love we have for each other and THAT is beautiful.  I have never felt more bloated, large or stretched out but I can truthfully say I have never felt more beautiful and you did that!  (Plus daddy helps when he tells me I still got it!)  You're already teaching me lessons and you're not even here yet!  I'm so excited for your arrival.  On that note, here is a quick update on what went down for doc visit numero eleven:
-Still dilated to a 1 but Doctor Chalmers said that it's very normal for women to come in for an appointment, show no signs of progression and then go into labor that night.  I want you to come when YOU are ready but your father and I are still holding up for after finals week!
-Every night is a guessing game on how much sleep I will get.  Last night my back was hurting so bad, I woke up all alert thinking maybe it was a sign you were coming now!  It wasn't.  My back just hurt...
-I had my first contraction yesterday!  Your daddy and I were at Bear Paw Cafe enjoying a delicious brunch and all of the sudden my stomach got really tight.  At first I thought maybe I was eating too fast and it was cramping up.  But then it wouldn't go away and I could barely move...yup...contraction right there!  It was definitely uncomfortable but it was the only one of the day so I can handle that!
-Your head is so low it feels like I'm carrying a bowling ball in between my legs sometimes...which is ironic because we went bowling last week with the Bird family so I had TWO bowling balls!  It was a sad sight to see...let's just say I didn't win.
-You LOVE to move for mommy but you hate to move for grandparents!  Naughty Blake ;)
We are all so anxious to meet you!  

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