Thursday, December 11, 2014

Doctor Visit #12 -The Waiting Game-

So Derek and I went in for what I hope is our last checkup.  If not, my next appointment will be to schedule being induced.  Derek is done with most of his school work and finals so now we are that couple that takes long walks and googles "natural induction" techniques!  I am really now at that point of pregnancy where I want Blake to come out...he is getting so big that it can be painful to feel him move.  The walk Derek and I took today about killed me because he is so heavy! could say that I'm ready.  We have been talking about how cool it would be if he were born this Saturday because the date is 12-13-14...kinda cool!  At my appointment they did the usual.  Dr. Ott stripped my membranes a bit but I guess he does that every time and I didn't know that!  These are some good learning experiences. ;)  Both soon to be grandmas are getting very excited, calling me just moments after I get out of my appointments...asking me about progress and what not.  It's frustrating because I haven't really progressed at all but as I said last week, it's not really a sign labor is going to come or not come.  It just depends when Blake is ready...I can sincerely say mommy is ready!
Now we are playing the waiting game...

1 comment:

  1. Mix a couple of tablespoons of castor oil with orange juice and go for another long walk. Then stay close to the bathroom. :)
