Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Doctor Visit # 10

Your daddy and I went to yet another doctors appointment and not much has changed.  I'm thinning out more but still dilated to a one, which Dr. Ott said is very normal.  He said most first time mommies thin all the way out before dilating at all.  My weight gain this week is about an ounce, your heartbeat was at one hundred and ten and as far as I can tell, you're perfect!  Update on pregnancy this last week:
-I can't keep up with anyone while walking.  Derek has to slow his pace when we go anywhere and when we are holding hands I tend to lean on him for support of my waddle.
-If you move around a lot, it tends to give me motion sickness or something because I get side aches and such.
-I'm finding that I'm very protective of my belly.  It doesn't bother me when people want to touch you but if I get a surprise hand (without warning) on my belly, my defense mode is to back up and back hand!  If your daddy blindsides me to feel you, I always jolt (and refrain) and daddy always laughs.
-Uncle/Elder Chris never fails to mention in his emails "Tell Blake I love him!"
-Your dad and I have been noticing EVERY baby everywhere we go.
-I've been loving bananas.  
-I am most satisfied when I'm sitting down...and eating!  But not too much before it hurts! Yeah, you can pretty much call me a fatty, but it's all for you!! 
WE LOVE YOU BLAKEY! Happy Bird family :)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Doctor Visit #9

My doctors appointments are every week so we get to see how you're doing and when you might be coming!  Last week I was dilated to a big fat zero.  This week I am dilated to a one!  Progress!  You are still in the right position and everything is still normal.  YAY!!  I love my doctors.  It's a combined practice and they are both so nice!  I had Dr. Chalmers on thursday and he went out of his way to make daddy and I feel comfortable and excited because you can come anytime now but you're supposed to be due in 3 and a half weeks!!! But who's counting?  Excited mommy!  Dr. Chalmers ended our appointment with "Okay, we will either see you next week or at Labor and Delivery next door!"  That was the moment it hit me.  Now I'm just EXTREMELY anxious instead of getting anxious.  Here is a little low down on how you are effecting mommy and others:
-You move all the time so lately in the morning, daddy has to make me breakfast in bed because I feel nauseous getting up and moving around on an empty stomach.
-It's getting VERY difficult to change positions in my sleep.  I used to be able to change positions without even being aware of it or waking up...NOW...not so much.  I wake up every time my body decides it's uncomfortable AND the only thing that puts me to sleep anymore is complete exhaustion because I'm too big and whale like to get comfortable and fall asleep.
-As my belly grows and develops even more stretch marks than I though possible, my love for you grows just as big!
-Sometimes you put pressure on mommy's ribs with your cute little feet.  It hurts but I also love feeling you exploring your space!
-Everyone is starting to make fun of my waddle.  Oh goodie. Your daddy likes to make fun of me when we go grocery shopping and I choose the mobile cart over waddling around.
-Going to movies isn't all that enjoyable at the moment because sitting for too long is uncomfortable.  I do love going though because the loud noises make you move around a lot!
-Grandma Bird has now officially set her phone by her bed on the highest volume just in case you decide to sneak into the world in the middle of the night.  She loves you very much.
-Grandma Chipman keeps saying "Wow...I can't believe this is happening!"  She is very excited to meet you.
-And in the mean time, your daddy and I are using up as much time as we can going out while we can!  We are so ready to devote our full attention to you though and like always...can't wait to meet your handsome face!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Doctor Visit #8 -- Bags Are Packed!

Yesterday was a day dedicated to getting ready!  I decided it would be safe to start preparing everything for the hospital now because I'm officially on countdown for one more month until you arrive so I'm in the "scary zone" because a lot of babies decide to come from 36-40 weeks statistically speaking.  Now watch, because I'm actually prepared you are going to come late!  I can just see it...
Anyway...daddy and I installed your car seat in the car and threw your stroller in the trunk.  While dad was at work I packed my own personal hospital bag and of course your diaper bag!  They are ready and waiting in case of emergencies.  Later on in the afternoon we had my doctors appointment.  From now on, my appointments are every week and the doctor will check each time to make sure your in the "birth position." Luckily, yesterday, you were!  He felt your cute little head and said everything is going just perfect; normal weight gain, belly measuring right at 35-36 weeks and heartbeat perfect.  You're a perfect baby already! I know I say this all the time but I can't wait to meet you!!!!! Daddy and I are always talking about how we just want you in our arms NOW.  We are tired of waiting but I want you to come when you are ready and judging by how squirmy you are, I'm assuming you're just as anxious to meet your excited parents!  We love you Blakey Bear! (New established nickname.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Updated Crib Finish

So mommy made you the crib skirt and grammy made you the beautiful quilt to match!  I wanted a matching crib mobile but the one I wanted isn't available so until now you are going to enjoy the rainforest!

Maternity Pictures (with you in my belly!)