Thursday, March 19, 2015

Time is going by so fast; I am 3 Months today!!!!
-I play with my hands more and more (I like to suck on my thumb)
-My eyes are getting bluer
-I smile all the time (I even have dimples) but NEVER for the camera
-I love to splash during bath time (I now love lotion time...I changed my mind)
-I sleep very good, 10-12 hours to be exact
-I talk a lot when I'm ready for a nap
-My favorite song is "That's Life" by Landau Eugene Murphy Jr.
-I'm getting more chub
-I blow spit bubbles
-I'm happiest in the morning. I kick and smile from ear to ear when mom or dad come to get me out of my car seat (it's where I like to sleep at night)

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