Thursday, September 18, 2014

Doctor Visit #6

Today was my 6th doctor visit and things are still going great! My belly measures right at 27 weeks and I seem to be in perfect health! I listened to my sweet baby's heartbeat and it sounds absolutely perfect. They did my glucose screening today to check for diabetes and apparently my veins aren't too great so it blew! Big bruise! I just love needles... Anyway, love my doctors and all their staff. I'm getting more and more excited for Blake to get's getting real! I have been sewing like crazy to make things for my lil' man and his Grandma Bird has been doing the same. He is very loved already! This is the Christmas stocking I made to add to the Bird family collection.
A little note to my future son: My dearest Blake, Right now, you are physically a part of me. The second you are born and no longer in my tummy, I know that you will still remain a part of me. You have my heart. I already love you so much that there are no words to describe these feelings. All I can think about is how I can make your life wonderful and amazing in every possible way. I can't even imagine how I will feel when I first hold you in my arms but I know it will be another indescribable feeling. Your mommy loves you. If there is one thing you should always remember, it is that.

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