Tuesday, June 21, 2016

18 Months

HOLY CRAP!! My baby isn't a baby...he's now a full blown TODDLER!
I can't even begin to express how much I am loving this little tot.  This age is so much fun.  Every day there is a new discovery to make and I love experiencing it with him.  

Here is a little update on the past HALF YEAR (13-18 months).

Month 13 discoveries:
-PEEK-A-BOO became a favorite.  He "hides" by covering his eyes.  If he can't see me, apparently I can't see him!
-He became very smart all of the sudden with knowing what objects do.  He started trying to answer mommy's phone, take his temperature with the thermometer, brushing his cheeks with mommy's make-up brush and basically the 'I can do it' phase emerged.

-Blake received his 3rd and 4th buck teeth on January 10...so cute!
-He started clapping and now it's a victory ritual when he is excited and/or proud of himself.  
-Saying no emerged.  Oh yay.
-And...............he learned to pick his nose.  Now, when he wants to get attention, he sticks his finger up his nose, looks at mom and goes "eeeeehh!!"  

Month 14 discoveries:
-New words: Don't and Yeah
-Started "Ah--Oh!" when there is something he knows is a "no no" and "ooooh" when something remotely exciting happens.
-A loud and semi new giggle/cackle emerged when he discovered it's funny when people get hurt among other things.  
-Became obsessed with Mickey Mouse clubhouse and the Hot Dog Dance.  He can't resist dancing. 
-Learned the sign for more, please and thank you but especially more.  
-Blake's sass levels began to increase around this time.
-Learned the fist bump and high five
-We taught him the Finding Nemo bond: "Give me fin...noggin..dude."  Which consists of fist bump, head bump and smiles while we say "dude."
-Learned to give kisses when asked.
-Started becoming alllll boy.  He is obsessed with cars and has to escort some form of car wherever we go.  
-MMMM is for food.  Mmmm when he observes something cooking in the oven.  Mmmm when we are in the grocery store.  Mmmm when something tastes or smells yummy.  Just Mmmm...He's a tub!
-Whenever Blake's face is covered in something mom wants to wipe, as soon as he sees mom getting a paper towel ready, he bolts! 
-HAS to be brought to the window when airplane is heard...or any noise for that matter.  Share the look, gasp and then run to observe. There's a ritual.

Month 15 discoveries:
-Blake has always danced...it's been in his bones since birth.  But the "Happy Dance" emerged when we caught him running in place as fast as he could with a smile on his face so big, you would need to be studied if it didn't make you laugh.  It has now turned into what he does whenever he is so excited/happy that he can't contain himself (usually when someone is there to show off for or mom and dad come home after being gone).  He usually mixes the Happy Dance with a few circles and stumbles.  
-We went through a "Digga" talk phase.  I'm not sure what he thought it meant but we would say it back anyway!
-This month it became clear that Blake was really beginning to understand everything we are telling him, he just couldn't quite reciprocate it back; whether it was if I asked him to grab me something, told him where to go, when we needed to change a diaper, etc.  So we began teaching him his anatomy among other things.  By the end of the month, he was capable of pointing out most of his body parts!  
-This month's favorite snack- teddy grahams and bananas. (Bananas still remain at the top of his list anytime, anywhere.  He eats them so fast, I've contemplated entering him into a contest.)
-Blake went through a phase where he started walking on his tippy toes everywhere...it was adorable!  Every once in a while he will still do it but not as often.
-5th and 6th tooth emerged on top left then right.  (He is an excellent teether!)
-Barks at/with dogs.
-Became obsessed with Gazoon Cartoons on YouTube.  It was the first time he would sit for that long on my lap, eyes glued to screen.  #mommysmiracle   Around this same time, he became oddly interested in watching videos of himself.  He could sit on my lap for hours and do that if I let him.

Month 16 discoveries:
-I started to notice this month if I looked at Blake during prayer time, he always had a big grin on his face and he learned to say "Amen!" with anxious excitement.  
-New words/phrases: "Don't touch!" and "Bob" Grandma and Grandpa Bird have a cat named Bob so every cat is "Bob" now.  
-Another mommy miracle:  Toddler started to get better at self entertainment!  Blake has never been very good at it but lately he has shown more patience with toys and hugs.  
-Wipes his own mouth.  I can do it mom...
-I found out Blake inherited my OCD this month because anything he ever gets out or destroys, he puts away and cleans up.  LIFESAVER CHILD!!
-OBSESSION with buses emerged.  Mom finally found him the perfect toy bus and he never lets it out of his sight.  It can be seen in most photographs these days!

Month 17 discoveries:
-When mom or dad put him to sleep at night, we always sing him a lullaby and this month he started humming back to us very softly.  It melted my heart more than anything I've ever heard before!
-Dad and I took Blake to Bass Pro Shops and discovered he is intrigued yet petrified of animals that don't move...(statues, taxidermy, etc)...it's HILARIOUS!
-Mom and baby started talking in monkey for a short time and he would giggle he loved it so much.  
-Upper molar teeth came in!
-Favorite snack this month is popcorn.
-Every Friday when the garbage truck came by, you could find Blake by the window, watching in amazement.  If he was really lucky that week, he would get to go outside and wave to him and attempt to follow him.
-Favorite dessert: Chocolate chip cookies, hands down!

Month 18 discoveries:
-This last month he has started living for the reactions.  He shoves his finger up his nose and waits for me to chase him.  He runs to a "no no" zone just to see what we will do about it.  He is quite the stinker.  And speaking of stinkers, mom can't toot anymore and get away with it because he will stop what he is doing, turn to you and loudly exclaim "ewww!!"
-He learned to blow everyone kisses and it melts all the hearts.
-His pet peeve is when your legs are crossed.  He will personally take it upon himself to uncross them for you.  You're welcome.
-Attempts to say Sugar but he is getting better at it.  
-He received more bottom teeth plus so many others that we can't even keep track anymore.  I'm pretty sure the poor little dude is getting the rest of his teeth all at once!  Grandma Bird calls him chomper now!
-He loves to play with his firetruck and make the cutest siren noises.
-New learned words this month: Birdy, "Oh Tootles (Mickey Mouse ClubHouse), Yay (while clapping), Diaper, Chocolate and Hi (while waving).
-He has become quite the copy cat.  He wants to do whatever everyone else is doing.
-We have monster talk.
-He loves reading books.  Pop-up books are his favorite.
-His favorite thing to do this summer has been going to the Washington Rec Center pool with dad.  He loves going down the slide and watching the giant bucket of water drop.  "Woah!" while pointing like it's the best thing he has ever seen... it probably is!

Blake learns something new every day and we love relearning with him!  He brings so much joy to our house and I can't wait to see what he will learn in the next six months.  Two will be a whole new ball game!  Stay tuned!

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