Monday, July 20, 2015

7 Months!

I'm getting so big!
This month I...
-talk a whole lot more.
-can stand on my own if I have something to hang on to.

-stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating on something.
-love to play with straws more than anything else.
-splash myself so hard in water that I choke.
-smile at monkey noises.
-laugh hysterically at peek-a-boo.  I gave mom a really cute and long baby laugh in the store but she didn't have her camera.
-get mad when people eat in front of me without giving me some.  How rude.
-weigh almost 16 pounds.
-cry when grandma gets too excited.
-am starting to drop things on purpose to watch them fall.
-am sooooo close to crawling!
-roll to get everywhere.
-favor my aunties.
-love when mommy twirls me around and pretends to drop me and when daddy throws me in the air.
-still love my dog more than mom.
-play with my grandpas lips because they are really big!  I think that's where I got my plump lips...
-still enjoy going on car rides and to the store.
-am starting to bounce all the time.
-still don't have any teeth but I drool like crazy!
-eat more of a variety of foods at dinner time.
-am always on the go!  I have a hard time sitting still.

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