Monday, May 25, 2015

5 Months!

Boy have I grown!  This month I...
-sit up all on my own (although I'm still learning)

-roll over (not too often though)

-make mmmm noises while I eat

-love rice cereal and bananas
-love being thrown in the air and playing peekaboo (peekaboo really makes me giggle and squeal)
-love looking in the reflection makes me smile
-LOVE when people whisper softly in my ear

-have a favorite brown fuzzy blanket that makes me very happy (mommy showers while I lay on it)

-wake mom up from our naps by cuddling with her face

-still love watching "Sounds that the Animals Make" on YouTube
-laugh at balloons and my dog, Sugar (we are best friends)
-am very bashful...if you smile too long at me I hide my face
-am starting to become very curious...I touch and hold everything!  Mom and Dad have to be careful now...

-have been experimenting with my tongue.  I smile with it and click it!

-love touching faces and daddy's hairy legs
I'm getting very big!  I'm now in size 3 diapers and almost 6 month clothes!  I have also jumped to stage 2 solids and am a very good eater.

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