Saturday, December 26, 2015

Which Connection Do You Have?

Let's be real.  Being a parent is hard work.  I'm going to grant my husband and I the occasional excuse that it's okay to get your phone out for a quick release every once in a while.  What's changed now verses a few weeks ago is that I say occasional.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of this generation and its reliability on technology.  In fact, my husband and I have had multiple conversations about how we don't want Blake to grow up with that image.  (You know, the one where it's perfectly okay to stare at a tiny screen all day like an emotionless robot.)  I would give my hubby talks consistently about setting the phone down and playing with our son instead.  I feel very passionately about societies downward spiral into technology and being "connected" yet so disconnected.   

Despite all of my "we will never have video games in our house" and "smart phones are of the devil" views, I had a personal understanding that scrolling through my news feed on Facebook while I was feeding my child his bottle was perfectly acceptable.  Why wouldn't it be?  It was downtime.  It was time when your baby was perfectly content just laying there, being fed.  What else are you going to do to fill your time?

I can't express how wrong these views are (not to scrutinize those parents who do that because I was one of them and all I am trying to offer right now is a different point of view).  

My husband handles all the morning feedings and I'm the designated night girl.  Every night without fail, I would prop my sweet baby boy up on his nursing pillow, pull the bottle from the warmer and pop it in his mouth with one hand, the other providing a swift and familiar motion, delivering my iPhone to my sight.  It was an instant motion, a reflex almost.  My husband and I have done this since our son was a newborn.  It was an unspoken rule that it was a sort of sanity keeper through those long nights (which, it totally was)!

One particular night, I went through all the usual motions I do when I get ready to feed him his nighttime feeding.  But this time, when I went to pull out my phone, something stopped me.  A voice told me no.  I ignored it for a minute but then realized I wouldn't die without my five minutes of phone time and decided to humor the voice. I watched my son as he chugged his milk and started to feel emotion overtake me.  I was taken back to the first time I nursed him and he looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and just stared.  It was the sweetest moment and I must have forgotten all about it.  

This time was slightly different...he was much older but I couldn't get him to look at me.  I tried re positioning him so that he was facing towards me but he still looked down his bottle.  Right then, it hit me.  He was so used to my husband and I staring at our phones instead of him while we fed him that he didn't even waste his time looking up at us.  It was completely normal to him and this broke my heart.  

I'm not a singer by any means but I believe every child thinks their mother has a beautiful voice.  So I started brushing his cheeks and singing softly.  He looked up at me innocently and kept my gaze the rest of the feeding.  We shared that nursing bond I remembered again. By the time he was done, my eyes were filled with tears.  

I was so mad at myself for wasting all those months feeding him bottles and thinking that "liking" so and so's posts was more important.  I was mad at myself for feeling like those feeding times were opportunities where he wasn't paying attention to anything but his bottle.  I was mad at myself for thinking only nursing is what connects you to your baby through feeding.  

I was so mad that I NEVER got on my phone while feeding him again.  And now, we share a very special bond every night before he goes to bed.  I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.

We live in a universe so overcome by technology that we miss things we didn't know we could miss in the first place.  I just want to put this out there for anyone who is missing these sweet moments because it's too easy to do in the mist of "connection" surrounding us.

Monday, December 21, 2015

12 Months--1 YEAR OLD!!!!

Mom can't believe it's been a whole year since I was born.  She keeps looking at me in awe. She is proud of the little boy I have become!
Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa threw me a Mickey Mouse birthday party and tons of people came that love me!  We had a great time and I got lots of presents.

This month I have started...
becoming very cuddly (especially with soft things).  I love to carry around and cuddle my howling doggy. 

And the real doggy of course 

-kissing EVERYTHING.
-becoming really strong.  If I want down, mom and dad don't have a choice.
-having favorite toys.  Right now it's my train and blocks.
-helping with the vacuuming instead of just following.  Grandma Bird thinks I'm very helpful.
-being a copycat.  If you grunt, I will grunt.  If you scream, I will scream. If you nod your head, I'll nod my head.  I'm starting to say words like mama, da da and grandma is nana.
-using big boy cups.  I like to sip from mom and dads cups...not my sippy.
-having real stranger danger.  My party was fun but I was overwhelmed by everyone there.  I just hugged moms legs the whole time hoping she would save me.
-having serious attitude.
-making the same consistent noise when I want something. (If I want up, water, to the play the piano,etc.)

My favorite book so far is "Fifteen Animals."  I like it because mom always makes the animal noises.  
This month I met Santa and I didn't like him.

I'm a whole year old!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

11 Months!

I am an official walker!  I took my first independent steps on November 2nd at just 10 months! Now I am as good as ever.  I can pick things up and stand back up, I practically run now! 

I have...
-received my second bottom tooth on October 25th.  (I'm an excellent teether.)

-started an obsession with talking to people on mom's phone.
-started sharing.  I will feed you...and the dog.

I'm funny because...
-I walk like Jack Sparrow...a little on the drunk side.  But I walk better and much faster for food.

-when I'm sitting on my bum, I use my legs to turn (and sometimes do complete 360's).
-I have a fake laugh that I usually do when people in the room start laughing.
-I compete to be the loudest.  If someone is talking, I have to be louder than them.  Same with the radio in the car.
-I have become quite the copy cat.  When my aunties were moving their heads back and forth, I discovered that I can too!  It has become my dance move when I hear music now.  I also try to repeat words and sounds.
-I caught my first fish with dad!

-I will take your hand if I want to show you something or just take you with me on a walk!
-I have started throwing things just to watch them fall.
-I still eat like a whale.  Mom and Dad have a higher grocery bill with my growing age.

-I like to be picked up so I hug mom's legs a lot hoping she will give in.

-I celebrated my first Halloween as a pumpkin with Mom and Dad!

I'm the best thing that ever happened to them!

Monday, October 19, 2015

10 Months!

I am so close to being a whole big whopping year old and it's blowing my mommy's mind!  Today, I am ten months old.
This month I have...
-cut my FIRST tooth! (October 15) It was a long process but my razor blade is here!

-started waving.  I even wave to Bill O'Reilly on the news.

-become obsessed with toes.  I eat mine and everyone elses.

-started hiding/collapsing in corners. "I cannot see you, therefore you cannot see me."

-started revealing myself as a daddy's boy.  I watch him from the window while he does yard work.

-discovered I love Halloween stuff just like my mom.

-begun to stand on my own with no help.  I get bored and sit down though because I don't know to walk on my own quite yet.  I'm getting so close though!  I take a few steps, then sit down.  Crawling is easier.  I remodeled the house on my own though!

-started pointing to what I want/where I want to go.

-figured out how to open cabinets/drawers.  My house has been totally "safety-fied."
-act like a monster still but more dramatically.
-started exploring my talking more.  "Dadabacabvd"
-begun loving the "I'm gonna get you game."  I just wish I was fast enough (but I do have a turbo crawl).
-been loving when my back/legs/head is scratched. I zone out.
-continued showing an interest in music (I loved the MOTAB during conference).  I dance by moving back and forth if it has a beat!
-only really thrown a fit if food gets taken away from me or if anyone has the nerve to eat in front of me without sharing.  Mom and Dad have to hide the Sacrament tray from me as it goes by.
-gotten pretty good at playing rope with sugar.  She will drag me across the carpet sometimes!
-gone to the park with mom quite a bit.  My first swing ride!

-gone to my 9 month doctor appointment on October 8 and I weighed 17 pounds 12 ounces!  I'm chubbin' up!
Overall, Mommy and Daddy would say I'm a really happy boy and am becoming a lot of fun.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

9 Months!

My biggest milestone this month is that I'm almost walking...look out!
This month I have started...
-Having conversations with you in "baby talk."  It's how mom keeps track of me while she is making dinner and I'm wandering around.  It's like marco polo.  She says "ah" and I respond "ah!" I'm really loud.  
-Playing copy cat.  If mom and dad make noises with their tongue, so do I. 
-Feeding myself!  It's quite funny though because I like food so much, mom and dad can't leave me unsupervised with food because I try and eat it all at the same time.

-Loving my favorite new snack, banana puffs.
-Only playing with the toys mom puts away.
-Becoming sensitive to things that never used to scare me.  The vacuum used to be my friend.
-Becoming obsessed with doors.  I love to close them on people and if I see an open over!
-Teething!  I still sleep good but sometimes I whimper in the night. It makes mom sad. I drool a lot and put my mouth on EVERYTHING!  I make out with the oven and my favorite window.
-Talking to the windows I stare out.

-Getting really excited when mom or dad pick me up and we go to a new room. Especially if it's the bath time room! 

-Hitting my head on purpose.  
-Getting a little bit of stranger danger.  Just a little.
-Loving music.  I have started dancing a little bit.  It's called the butt dance.
-Using my play walker to get me everywhere...I love that thing!  If I could walk all day, I would.  I'm happiest when I can go where I want to go.