This month I have...
-cut my FIRST tooth! (October 15) It was a long process but my razor blade is here!
-started waving. I even wave to Bill O'Reilly on the news.
-become obsessed with toes. I eat mine and everyone elses.
-started hiding/collapsing in corners. "I cannot see you, therefore you cannot see me."
-started revealing myself as a daddy's boy. I watch him from the window while he does yard work.
-discovered I love Halloween stuff just like my mom.
-begun to stand on my own with no help. I get bored and sit down though because I don't know to walk on my own quite yet. I'm getting so close though! I take a few steps, then sit down. Crawling is easier. I remodeled the house on my own though!
-started pointing to what I want/where I want to go.
-figured out how to open cabinets/drawers. My house has been totally "safety-fied."
-act like a monster still but more dramatically.
-started exploring my talking more. "Dadabacabvd"
-begun loving the "I'm gonna get you game." I just wish I was fast enough (but I do have a turbo crawl).
-been loving when my back/legs/head is scratched. I zone out.
-continued showing an interest in music (I loved the MOTAB during conference). I dance by moving back and forth if it has a beat!
-only really thrown a fit if food gets taken away from me or if anyone has the nerve to eat in front of me without sharing. Mom and Dad have to hide the Sacrament tray from me as it goes by.
-gotten pretty good at playing rope with sugar. She will drag me across the carpet sometimes!
-gone to the park with mom quite a bit. My first swing ride!
-gone to my 9 month doctor appointment on October 8 and I weighed 17 pounds 12 ounces! I'm chubbin' up!
Overall, Mommy and Daddy would say I'm a really happy boy and am becoming a lot of fun.