I'm a half year old! I'll update you on me...
-I am starting to get extremely grabby. Mom and Dad have to push a lot more things out of my reach. They learned their lesson after I dumped Dads big jug of water over.
-I am officially in my 6 month clothes.
-I still look just like my dad looked when he was a baby. The only thing I seem to have of my moms is her lips.
-I still LOVE bath time. I giggle when I get splashed.
-Now mommy leaves me surrounded by soft surfaces while I sit up and play because I like to reach for things like I am about to crawl...but then I eat the floor with my face.
-I love to stand!
-Sometimes I spit up so much that mom gives up on clothes.
-I went swimming for the first time this month! At first I didn't like it because I'm only used to warm water but as soon as I got my own floaty and the St. George weather turned to 109 degrees, I liked it A LOT more!
-My eyes are getting even more crystal blue. Mommy loves them.
-My favorite things to play with are moms markers. Good thing I don't know how to take the lid off yet!
-Mom likes to set me in my crib while I play so she can clean.
-I always look at my hand like I just got a manicure. I'm very curious with my own limbs.
-I now have big boy bottles and use a sippy cup for my apple juice.
-I eat anything and everything. I'm not picky. Heck, I'll eat napkins!
-I blow bubbles while I'm being changed.
-I'm getting really loud. Daddy called me his little velociraptor because I make their same noises when I get excited or talk to my toys.
-Sometimes I act like a puppy.
-I love to be scared! Peek a boo is the best when it catches me off guard. I don't like the sound of clinging glass though...it makes me cry.
-Unfortunately, last month was the first time I was sick. It really scared mom so she took me to the emergency room but I'm fine now! Healthy as can be!
-I entertain mom and dad with my cute smiles, giggles and noises all day. People always tell me how cute I am. I just look away bashfully.