Sunday, April 19, 2015

4 Months!

Woo, am I growing!
These are new things I'm doing at four months of age:
-I am starting to giggle.  (Keyword: starting.  I start and then I'm not quite sure how to continue...)  My mom found all my tickle spots so if she catches me in a good mood she can get me to yelp/begin to giggle.  It's adorable.
-I rolled over twice on March 31st and haven't done it since.  I'm not a huge fan of tummy time so I don't get many opportunities.
-My favorite toys are my new purple Easter bunny and my smiley face ball.  I talk to them when my mom leaves the room.
-I went through another growth spurt so my mom started me on solids April 18th.  I love rice cereal but I'm messy because I have to touch it!
-I'm very good at grabbing things now.
-I have separation anxiety when my mom leaves the room.
-I can slightly army crawl.

I just keep getting cuter and cuter!  That's what mom and dad say anyway...