Friday, February 20, 2015

2 Months!

 Four Generations!

I am 2 months old today!
I like to:
-Be independent. I will usually only cuddle you when I'm tired.
-Have floor time. I love to kick and not be restrained!
-See the world! My head will never hold still. And don't you dare face my back against the action! 
-Fuss right when I see mom sit down to eat. Muhaha.
-Sometimes open my eyes while I'm dreaming...I kind of freak mom out sometimes.
-Take walks in my stroller with mom.
-Go anywhere in my car seat (for now). That's how mom and dad get me to sleep at night. They love their midnight drives together!
My favorite place to sleep is in mommy's arms. She loves rocking me.
I have a personal fussy time every night and sometimes if I start crying really loud, dad will cry back to be louder and we have a contest. I usually just stop and stare because dad, it's MY job to cry.
I will usually stop crying if you play Disney music or Michael Buble by my ear...I'm definitely like my mom!!
My family spoils me