Friday, January 3, 2020

This is 4

To sum up age 4 with Mr. Blake would be to declare that 4 is the best age out there.  4 is sweet.  4 is angel child. 4 is perfect and 4 is most definitely mom's favorite so far!  At 4, Blake could be described as the following:  shadow, partner in crime, sidekick, gentleman, best friend, smooth talker, sass master, smarty pants and overall ANGEL CHILD.

It's no secret that Mom is obsessed with her little buddy- especially at 4! 4 is a new stage of independence and wit.  It's more freedom for mom and dad but also more interaction and bonding.  It is so fun to watch him learn and grow and pick up on things like the absorbent little sponge he has always been.

-Word/Phrases he says a lot:
"Andalae!" Because Mom tells him to hurry a lot...
"My bad."
"My home house."
"Last night" and "Yesterday" basically mean before.  So if we went to a place he remembers 6 months ago (and he remembers literally everything), he will say "Oh yeah! I remember this place! We came here yesterday!"
Refers to this mysterious "brother" he has all the time.  Not sure if it's just wishful thinking or an imaginary friend but he calls his brother on his pretend phone or watch all the time.  Exhibit 1:
*In the car*  Blake: "Hello Brother?  How are you?  Good.  Hey we need you to change our light bulb.  No, not the one by our door, the one above the stairs!  Okay great, bye!"
"You're jealous, huh?"
"It's a beautiful sunny day!"
"Can you tuck me in to a square?"
"Of course"

-Big Boy Milestones
Has learned to write his name and most of his letters.  

Has learned days of the week and more numbers.

Does his pre school homework very well.  

Does his music homework better than mom - still convinced he has perfect pitch.

He makes his bed and puts away his own laundry.

Got his first bike summer 2019.

He can build contraptions out of almost anything - he is very inventive and he gives everything a purpose. 

He has the ability to hear a song or line one time and memorize it word for word.

Even more independent.  He knows where everything goes and gives everything a place,  gets himself snacks and water, opens the door for people, gives himself baths, dresses himself, wipes, brushes teeth, gets in the car and buckles up, etc.

Moved to a big boy bed (queen size) on his 4th birthday.

As of December of 2019, he is 43 inches.

We are all convinced Blake will be some sort of engineer because he loves machinery, figuring out how things work and building contraptions.

LOVES pipes and wires (he asked Santa in a letter for a charger and a pipe for Christmas).

All appliances.

Still chocolate.

Olive Garden.

Bringing Mommy flowers.

Grandma Chip!  They have been the best pals lately and he is constantly asking if he can sleepover with Grandma.

Other kids.  Still very social...but only if it's his idea.

-Funny Behaviors
When he is really desperate for attention he will grab Mom’s cheeks and say "Look at me!"

The little smart and absorbent sponge uses all Mom and Dad’s words against them.  Been trying to teach Blake that his choices are what lead him to the consequences he gets - it's not Mom and Dad’s fault.  Well, a few weeks later Blake said something that caused Mom to say "Blake, that hurt my feelings.  You made me sad."  Blake got very firm, looked Mom in the eye and said "Mom, your choices got you here, not mine."  *Que Blake mic drop and Mom’s jaw drop*

Talks faster than his mouth can go so sometimes stutters.

Threatens Mom and Dad that if they don't listen he will either put them in time out or take their pillows.

Tilts his head when he is trying to be cute.

Takes things so literally sometimes.  He was looking at Mom’s jeans with holes in them and said "Mom, are your pants broken?"

Very protective of his Momma.  He will always care for her when she is sick, defend her in a fight and be more gentle with her than anyone else.  When Mom is sleeping, Blake will always make sure she has a blanket.  One time, Mom woke up from a nap with a dish cloth over her feet because her blanket wasn't covering her feet. He also tells her if she looks sad they should watch Gilmore Girls because he knows it makes her happy.

If Mom ever has an opportunity to sleep in, Blake will patiently wait for her to wake up by playing with toys and occasionally stroke Mom's hand or face and say "I just wanted to check on you."

-Funny Stories
Blake asked Dad if he was still sick and Dad replied "Yes, my voice is gone."  Blake, quite sincerely, asked "Do we need to go find it?"

One random night, Blake asked to read scriptures and get Mommy a two a.m.  Convinced he was sleep walking.  At least his priorities are in line!

Mom: "You're bananas!"
Blake:  "I'm not bananas, I'm Blakey!"

Blake saw Grandma and Grandpa Chip's sliding glass door open so he took the opportunity to run through it....not realizing their screen door was closed.  Yeah- he broke it!

Blake came to Dad telling him he wanted to read scriptures so Dad put the scriptures in front of Blake and Blake began "reading;"   "And it came to pass and Jesus...Amen."

Blake was laying down on the couch and exclaimed "Mom, the couch ate me."

After Blake used the bathroom he exclaimed "Mom, after I peed the toilet was like 'I'm full!"

Blake came to Dad while Dad was getting ready for work: "Okay Dad.  Don't yell and don't scream, come with me."  Dad followed him and found a water mess on the floor resulting from Blake attempting to get a cup of water with a full water jug.

Mom was putting Blake to bed and he wanted to keep playing.  Mom told him no, it was time for bed and he replied "You're breaking my heart."  She replied "Well you're breaking my heart because you won't go to bed."  Blake's reply?  "No Mom, because big hearts can't be broken but little hearts can and I have a little heart because I'm a little boy.  Got it?"

Out of nowhere: "Mom, I'm gonna marry dad so I can be close to you.  Well, nevermind, I'm just going to love you instead."

Having family night with Blake and trying to teach him about his body being a temple.  Mom and Dad ask Blake "what are some things that are bad for your body?"  Blake: "Ummm...diharreah?" he answers as he throws his arms up.  Later he said protein and pre work out is good because it makes you hyper and then you make lots of friends at the gym.

Mom was picking Blake up from the gym day care and one of the employees explained that Blake hit another kid.  Blake watches Mom become informed (he never does that) while he is putting on his shoes and leans over to his buddy "My Mom is gonna teach me a lesson."

One day Mom had pulled a muscle and was really struggling to walk up the stairs.  Blake, noticing this, runs to Mom, wraps his arms around her and says "I know honey, I know" and attempted to help her up the stairs.  Next, he prepared a bath for her (it was cold-but still), closed the bathroom door and said "I'll give you some privacy."  Mom later heard him yelling at Dad for trying to come in the bathroom.

Putting Blake to bed one night and explaining why he sleeps alone and why Mom and Dad sleep together.  Mom told him "One day, you will be married and you won't sleep alone in a bed anymore." Blake: "REALLY??!!! I'm so excited!" Mom: "Yeah, you're going to think a girl is cute one day and decide you want to marry her."  Blake: "No, Mom, I'm just going to marry you."

Blake to Dad after Mom explained he needs help brushing problem areas of his teeth "Hey genius, I can't brush my teeth by myself."

Started official pre school Fall 2019.

Started Red Balloons music class with Grandma Bird Fall 2019.

Faced his fear and killed a spider at day care! Mom was told that he was the bravest kid there when nobody else wanted to kill the spider, he walked up and took care of business.

Decided he wants to be a doctor when he grows up so he can help people.  Mom goals complete.

Completed swimming lessons over the summer of 2019.

-Favorite Foods
Breakfast: Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Lunch:  Turkey Sandwich

Dinner:  Pasta

Snack: Watermelon

-Favorite Dessert

-Favorite Places To Go

"The ice cream place"

Grandma Chip's.

Fishing with Dad.

The movies.

-Favorite Things To Do
Play with toys.

Watch movies.

Wrestle with Dad.



Play "come get me!"

-Favorite Toys
His play pipes and things he builds.

-Favorite Shows
Home Alone.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (he always phrases things in the "If you ___ then ___" now).

-Favorite Books

This Makes Me Scared.

-Favorite Stuffed Animal
Still Teddy and the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie mouse.

-Discovered Fears
Still the dark.

Tight spaces.

Blake grew out of naps but he still sleeps like a brick at night.  Once that boy is asleep, aint nothin' wakin' him up!

-Daily Routine
Blake's day on a weekday consists of waking up, making his bed, eating breakfast and playing consistently.  Mondays and Wednesdays Blake has pre school and Tuesdays he has music class.  He stays busy and loves to wind down at night by taking a bath, reading a book, saying prayers and singing songs until it's time for sleep.  Mom usually always asks what the best part of his day was and he evaluates all the good parts of his day.  He most definitely makes Mom and Dad's day better because he is a ball of positive energy that is near impossible to be around without a smile.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

This is 3

Everyone told us "Terrible twos" was not really a thing; it's "Terrible threes."  Well everyone was right!  We can't complain too much, Blake is a really good kid.  We consider ourselves the luckiest parents in the world!  But yes, the concept of terrible threes has proved valid with our child rearing experiences thus far!  Blake has started sass levels that are at an all time high.  We call him our little 'threenager.'
"Mom, I'm going to put you straight in time out if you say that again!" ...what?
Our personal recent favorite (preface, we are an adorable family who calls each other best friend so most of the time, Blake calls mom and dad his best friends) "Blake, you have to take a nap." "Fine! But you are NOT my best friend anymore!"

I could honestly make this whole post consist of sass quotes but let's be honest, there is way too much cuteness to this 3 year old to waste it on the sass.  He has grown so much.  We constantly look at him with this confusion, 'how did he get so big? What happened?' He isn't our little baby or toddler anymore.  He is our little BOY.  He is incredibly smart, driven, independent and fun.  He is super animated; I've seriously contemplated putting him in some type of theater program because this boy can put on a show!  I'm the classic mom that could go on all day about my we go...

-Word/Phrases he says a lot:
 A recent one taught by the new teenager, Uncle Jon "GAINS, BRO!"  Except for more than half the time it come out "GAINS, BROKE!" This is a phrase that brings Mom and Dad's palms to their faces...
"Daddy Dewek, Mommy Istina"
*Closes his eyes* "Where did Blakey go? I dunno, I no see him" *Eyes shut extremely tight*
*Strokes mom's face "Mom, where are your whiskers?"
*In British accent (so many British accents these days...) "Because [insert blahs] because [insert more blahs and gibberish] because...[and on and on and on...this kid LOVES to babble and he tends to babble about things in close proximity which means you know he is just talking to talk...]
"Look at that smile!" *He points to his mouth laughing*
Everything is "hims" "He is going to hims house."
Carbonated is carbicated.
*Lover boy that melts moms heart* "Mom, you're beautiful and you're pretty and I LOVE YOU!"
"Happy Christmas!"
"Huh?" *Literally his response to him every time you say his name*
"Agoobeday!" *His word for 'tickle me'*
"Deal with it."
"Arg! Give me all your treats!" *Pirate voice of course*
"I'm a chatterbox!"
The movie theater is the "Popcorn store!"  where we can now enjoy a movie with him without 15 breaks.
"Boat snack!"
"We don't say stupid!"

-Big Boy Milestones
Has started spelling things, like his name and one of the shows he likes, Blippi.

Potty trained day and night the summer of 2018.  He basically sits inside the toilet to poop and it always looks like he is about to fall in...but he never does.

Prays all by himself. He never leaves anyone out and anytime we pass a car accident he prays for the "people who get accident. Jesus Chris, Amen."

Matches pitch perfectly.  He sings really well; it seems he has some hidden musical talents!

Very independent.  He now basically takes care of himself.  He gives himself baths, dresses himself, wipes, brushes teeth, gets in the car and buckles up, feeds himself, etc.  Mom can't even help him turn his shirt around so it's not on backwards...

Brave enough for basically all the rides at Disneyland, even Guardians of the Galaxy!

Moved to a toddler bed right before turning three - August 2017.

Can count to 20-30.

Sings ABC's while washing hands.

As of November of 2018, he is 39 inches tall (40 if you stuff his shoes at an amusement park ;) )

Still with the fans...can't quite figure it out.  We are pretty sure it's just anything mechanical because the next one is...

LAUNDRY MACHINES.  He is OBSESSED with Washer/Dryer machines.  So much so, we have to stop and look at them all whenever we go to Costco or a new house. Blake enters new house; resident greets him. Blake: "Where's your laundry room?"  Cue the face to the palm.  I would turn my back for five seconds and go upstairs to find the washing machine on, running correctly, with soap and CLEAN towels.  Cue the child lock on the laundry room door.  He will even imitate what a washing machine does.  He is obsessed with figuring out how machines work so I'm sensing an engineering future of sorts...


Chocolate. It's mom's desperate power go to tool.

A new recent one...babies.  Oh dear...

Other kids.  Blake is more social than an obnoxious high school jock on a homecoming day!

-Funny Behaviors
His cleanliness.  Blake does NOT like to be or feel dirty at all.  If he walks outside and he doesn't have shoes on, he waits to be carried.  If he sees a speck on the floor he wipes it up.  When he comes through the outside door, he wipes his feet on the mat all nonchalant.  And he gets mad if people make messes.

Wants hugs...only when it's cold or he is tired.

Holds his ear when he claims he heard a noise.

Talks faster than his mouth can go so sometimes stutters.

Loves to pretend everything is a garage door when he is playing and he has a particular garage door opening/closing sound "Chooka UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUHHHHH"

He copies his Dad on just about everything.  He finally came around to the idea of wearing a tie to church when he noticed that's what his Dad does.  He also declared to me the other night while he was getting ready for bed that he was going to work at a bank like his Dad. This is one of Mom's favorite funny behaviors.

Has officially declared all brown doors are graham crackers.

-Funny Stories
Dad got up with him one morning and Blake couldn't stop talking about a butterfly in his room.  So they looked for the butterfly until Blake finally proclaimed "It wasn't a butterfly" and their journey ended.  He then decided it was time to move on and go eat bananas.  A day in the life of parenting Blake right there.

Blake kept hearing Dad calling his dad "dad" so he got all worked up and yelled, "He is called GRANDPA, not dad!"

We are always telling Blake to "Use your words."  Well one day, that backfired when he saw Dad get mad and he said "Dad, use your words!"

One moment Mom was complaining about her high heels hurting her and Blake ran over, kissed her shoes and said "There, you can wear them now."  Thanks buddy.

One evening, we couldn't find Blake's favorite teddy bear so after about an hour of looking we told Blake that teddy bear had to go to work and he responded "Oh, so he can make money?!  That makes sense.  He will be home in the morning."  So Mom responded "He's taking the night shift eh?" Blake: "Yeah, he works hard so we can go to the store."  Miraculously, we found him by morning time and the whole story gave Blake the idea that teddy provides the bacon for our family.

Blake gets told to kiss girls and he always does it- unless they don't give consent.  Good job learning consent Blake!  One of mom's favorite moments "she wants me to not do that..."

First trip to Disneyland summer of 2017.  Second trip, fall of 2018.

First day of day care/pre school, end of summer 2018.  He LOVES socializing with the other kids and comes home every day with a craft to brag about.

Started primary

Thinks he started school...

-Favorite Foods
Breakfast: Wheaties cereal or Dad's pancakes

Lunch:  Peanut butter and honey sandwich

Dinner:  Spaghetti or Lasagna (red sauce boy)

-Favorite Dessert
Chocolate cake.  Exhibit A:  "Hey Blake, what do you want to do for your birthday this year?"  Without hesitation, "CAKE!"

-Favorite Places To Go
Still any place with friends

The park

Now Disneyland

Mommy's gym (they have a sweet kids center)

The "popcorn store"

-Favorite Things To Do
Watch movies- currently obsessed with "Coco"

Play pretend with Mom

Wrestle with Dad with other kids.  Anywhere, anytime.

Dance to "Crazy Frog" and "Toxic"

Pretend he is riding a roller coaster.  We put him in a laundry basket up by the TV and simulate the ride.

Sing "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me!"

Play hide and seek: "I'm in here!" as he snickers...

-Favorite Toys
His cars

-Favorite Shows
Boss Baby

The Incredibles

The Original Scooby Doo



Hotel Transylvania

Despicable Me

Any Halloween Show (Ichabod and the Headless Horseman)

Youtube Kidz

-Favorite Books
Go Away Big Green Monster

Goodnight Fuzzy Book

The Farmhouse Book

-Favorite Stuffed Animal
Teddy Bear

-Discovered Fears
The dark

Mechanical Jumping Spiders (so funny!!!!...the image forever engraved in my head...)

The unknown


Such a wonderful sleeper!  Even when we went to Disneyland, all three nights he was asleep in his stroller at a specific time with NOTHING to get in the way of waking him up...not even falling out.  Not that we let that happen...obviously...

He averages about 12-14 hours of sleep per day.

He still takes naps but not consistently.  Basically whenever Mom decides he is cranky and needs one...or Mom is cranky and need one...

-Daily Routine
Gets up when the sun wakes up, barges into Mom and Dad's room "It's a beautiful, sunny day!" He opens the curtains, is aggressive with getting Dad out of bed but hops on the bed, curls up to Mom and cuddles with her while gently stroking her face and telling her it's time to wake up.  Her favorite.

Spends mornings at a wonderful woman's house named Telina.  He does pre-school, social time, outdoor play time and is even convinced to eat vegetables!  Mom is a big fan of Telina.
Mom picks Blake up and we spend time playing, cleaning, shopping or attempting learning games.  Dad comes home in evening and we make an effort to eat family dinner and get Dad/Blake wrestling time in before bath, teeth brushing, story, prayers, song and BED.